Hillary & Hills Certified Public Accountants

Our Team

Based on our Methodology highlighted in the previous section, our team is designed to ensure smooth project management, with firm but flexible execution of tasks in accordance with an agreed work plan, thoroughness and accuracy of end products and sustained focus on audit objectives. 
When designing the audit team structure, we have focused on the following key issues:

  • Including project personnel who have technical and administrative expertise;
  • The utilisation of resource personnel who are fast, flexible, performance driven and team focused;
  • The inclusion of quality assurance personnel who follow our quality assurance procedures, which are aimed at establishing client satisfaction with the end products of the project;
  • The establishment of clearly defined roles and responsibilities of team members;
  • The reinforcement of existing communication channels in order to enable us to give sufficient attention to the expectations of the client.

Detailed curriculum vitae for each of the team members can be found in the appendix to this document.

Team Composition and Responsibilities




Specific task

Engagement Partner

Rwigyema Ndeze Hillary

B.Com, CPA Member 747

Providing direction and vision to the team.

Quality Assurance Partner

Lukande Rogers

Diploma, CPA  FM 678

Ensuring the delivery of a quality service.

Engagement Manager

Nakuhu Grace

B.Com,UDBS, CPA FM 941

Overall coordination and execution of the fieldwork.

Senior Auditor

Mukasa Robert

B.Com, CPA

Execution of the field work.

Kamulegeya Rhona

B.com, CPA


Mukanwije Hilda


Assisting execution of the field work.

Ndeze Hellen


Audit trainees

-Kagoda Henry
-Bbosa Ronald


Assisting execution of the work.

Our team is composed of Engagement Partner, a Quality Assurance Partner and one Audit Manager. In addition, there are two Senior Auditors in charge of fieldwork who are assisted by other two Accountants if required. Together, this team combines the necessary expertise and experience to undertake the audit.


Risk assessments

We perform our risk assessments separately for each significant source of information


Our firm has gained experience in carrying out training and facilitating seminars and workshops for various organizations.

Accountancy services

Services to our clients in this area include setting up integrated accounting systems, such systems encompass design and implementation.